Remembering Jo sensei

In honor of a dear mentor who earnestly believed in her students.
August 11, 2024

Note: This post contains topics such as death and grief.

A couple of weeks ago, I was deeply saddened to learn the passing of my dear mentor Yoshiko Jo. She was a Senior Lecturer in Swarthmore College's Japanese department, commonly referred to as Jo sensei. Swarthmore College wrote a rememberance post, but I also wanted to share a couple of my own words on how much of a wonderful mentor she was. My original text for this post is written in Japanese, which the (very few) Japanese readers of this post can find at the bottom.

Jo sensei always brought a warm and energetic energy everywhere she went. Even though I never got to take her classes, my friends always told me about how much fun they were having in Jo sensei's second year Japanese class, or in her Japanese reading class. I mainly got to know Jo sensei through volunteering for the Japanese department and being the co-president of Kizuna (Swarthmore's Japanese cultural club). Jo sensei was also like a family friend to me given some close ties to my relatives.

I have many memories with Jo sensei, but a special memory was from last summer (2023). As I also say in other posts, I believe grad school is a difficult time for everyone, and people are affected by the challenges of grad school in different ways. The summer of 2023 was when I felt that "difficult time" the most. I decided to visit Swarthmore to ask my mentors for advice and encouragement. When I contacted Jo sensei, she kindly invited me to her home for dinner.

Jo sensei greeted me with her usual big smile and energetic voice. What I thought would be a short dinner turned into a five hour conversation along with some of the tastiest salad I've ever had in my life (along with other lovely dishes), cupcakes, lots of laughter, some crying, and generally so much warmth. I remember feeling so much joy at our dinner that I just hadn't felt in a really long time. We talked about fun topics like Jo sensei's exciting travel plans, a running competition at Swat she was a part of, or her cooking recommendations, but she also listened very sincerely when I opened up to her about my grad school struggles.

In a particular moment, I shared with Jo sensei that I feel like I've lost the glimmer and excitement that I felt when I first started grad school. Upon hearing this, Jo sensei paused, and then very clearly told me that the glimmer is still there. She firmly said that the glimmer may be a bit dim at the moment, but it's definitely still there, and things will be ok. At the time, I couldn't fully believe her words, but I felt some weight being lifted off my shoulders.

Through the dinner, Jo sensei gave me the energy to keep moving forward, and recalled her memories of my personality and strengths that I felt like I lost. She reminded me that there are many paths in life I could take, but at the end of the day I'll be okay. And for a first time in a long while, a fraction of my brain was able to believe that.

I fondly look back on this memory an year later, realizing that Jo sensei was right. It took some time, some uncertainty, and a lot of pain, but I am now back, carving a new path in my grad school journey. The original glimmer in my eyes may not be back, but I feel like there's a different, new kind of glimmer in my eyes. I'm still the same person, but I feel like I've regained the part of myself that Jo sensei so passionately reminded me about. And most importantly, at the end of the day, I'm okay.

I will always be immensely thankful to Jo sensei for believing in me, even, or especially, when I couldn't believe in my own self.

In one of our last email conversations, Jo sensei said I was always welcome to visit, and she is always rooting for me. I so dearly wish I could visit Jo sensei again with some cupcakes, ask about her adventures both in and outside Swat, and share with her about the specifics of my new research, the class that I taught and all the fun I had with it, and all the other wonderful things in my life. Most importantly, I wish I got to thank her in person and tell her how much her encouragement means to me.

For now, I will hold my memories with Jo sensei close to my heart. I plan to continue on my path with the hopes that one day I'll have a role helping people learn Computer Science. If and when that happens, I will do my best to pay it forward by believing in my students the same way Jo sensei did for me.

Thank you so much, Jo sensei.

原文 (Original Text)

7月20日に、スワスモア大学でお世話になっていた城佳子(じょう よしこ)先生が亡くなりました。彼女の授業を直接取りませんでしたが、日本語学科のボランティアをしていたこともあり、当時会長をしていた絆というクラブだったり、私の親戚のご縁だったり、いろんな線を通してとてもお世話になっていました。







